July 15, 2001 6:24 pm

Ok, so maybe at this point you may be asking what the hell is this supposed to be here. I guess I'll try to lay it out to you.

I am *not* going to turn this into another web-journal. There are millions of them out there, adn I don't need to get lost in that sea.

What I am going to do, is post various bits, be them 5 lines long or 500, of whatever I may be thinking about at the moment. And I may pose questions to you, and see what you think about what I've brought up.

And that is my big goal. I want you to leave here thinking. Maybe not looking at everything a different way, but maybe wondering what the hell else is out there. I don't pretend to be some profound philosopher, hell, I know I'll never be known outside my own small commmunity. But if you think about what I've said, wether you agree or not, then I've succeeded.

The other thing I want to do here, is post some of my work. I take a picture here or there, and I write a short story, or at least an attempt, every once and a while. When I see something worth sharing, it will be here.

But in the least, people who come in here will see a big difference from the previous versions of this site. It is no longer dedicated to my novel, Sword of Many, becuase, at this point, the novel is sitting on backburner. I haven't worked on it in months, but one day, it will come out again. And like I said, I'm not going to go back to the "this was my day, I did this and this" type format. I was as bored writing that shit as I think you were reading it. And yes, all of those back entries are gone, no archives to be found. Well, maybe on my home PC, but nowhere for you guys to get it. Sorry...this is a fresh start wiping the old clean away.

Right now, there is no real layout...hell, at this point it looks like crap. I''m putting up just the content for now, a better layout will come soon enough.

As for my new title.

Tourette's Syndrom is a neurological condition that cause's various "tics." Tics can range from grunts, clearing of the throat and such, to body "spasms" such as throwing the head or flailing the arms. A more commonly known tic, but not a commonly spread one(or at least, not as common as people think), is copralalia. Basically this is speaking out vulgar or socially unexceptable words or sayings. Its funny, people who know about TS think that everyone who has it cusses uncontrollably, when in actuallity, its only like, 1 in 4 who get this tic.

And as you've probably figured by this point, I have TS. I was diagnosed almost 15 years ago, and I have it pretty well under control. Better than a lot with it, really.

So back to the title. TS can make things very chaotic for those who have it, and even for those around someone with it. And thats what this site is going to be, rather chaotic. I have nothing set in what i will talk about, now form to follow, no posting schedule, or anything like that. I may have a set style eventually, but thats going to be it. As for Utopia, well, Utopia is supposed to be that perfect society, a world of sheer bliss. I like the paradox of these two words put together. One living with Tourette's would never think his life as Utopian, but... I've leanred how to make my days go by with out worrying about the tics, like they don't even matter anymore. So maybe I am striving towards Utopia. Who knows.